Story of Guven
Story of Guven

Güven Education and Health Foundation has carried out an e-history study to convey the change, development and the firsts that Güven Health Group, which has been in the health sector since 1975 and has been progressing steadily, has experienced since its establishment. The e-history, which includes the story of Güven Health Group's entry into the sector, its founders, department histories and interviews with employees, is encyclopedic and gathered under a single roof on “”. The e-history, which will reflect the development of a health group over the years, will also reveal Turkey's development in health. This study, which is a guide for the sector with the information it provides about the progress of Güven Health Group and Turkey in health, will not only convey the conditions and informatics in the progress of an organization, but will also remind once again that the share of the spiritual bond within the organization, employee satisfaction and employee ownership of their work in the progress is undeniable.
The story of the Trust, the first sparks of which were lit when Dr. Aysun Küçükel and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Küçükel went to Germany for specialty training and noticed the development of modern medicine there, began when the two physicians completed their education and returned home to support Turkey's development in health. The story of Güven, which draws attention to the importance of working diligently to provide quality and better healthcare services by focusing on people, innovations, firsts and never giving up in the face of difficulties, is a story that will be passed on from yesterday to today and from today to tomorrow. Initiated from this point of view, Güven's story will be transferred to the digital environment in e-history format, making it easier to reach new generations and projecting the future of health.
The e-history, which is of great importance for an organization that has been providing services for half a century, is a new generation study that has been carried out for the first time in Turkey, considering that it is a very comprehensive study, can be shared with all audiences in a digital environment, sheds light on the health sector and all other qualities. Güven Health Group, one of Turkey's first private health institutions that has achieved many firsts in health for years, is also breaking new ground with its e-history study and is guiding other institutions in this regard.
The e-history will help publicize the story of Güven, which was founded by two physicians who love their country and their profession with the aim of providing world-class healthcare services. In the sub-headings of this story; Güven's transformation from a medical center where outsider physicians performed surgical operations to a full-fledged health group, its service as a healing hospital since its establishment, its journey of continuous growth without compromising quality and many more are told. In addition, the life stories of Güven's esteemed founders Dr. Aysun Küçükel and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet Küçükel and second generation executives Nüket Küçükel Ezberci and Banu Küçükel are also mentioned. In addition, the e-history includes descriptive information about Güven Hospital and Güven Çayyolu Healthy Life Campus, as well as content such as the establishment dates and functioning of the departments, surgical operations, activities, press releases, and employee interviews. The e-history, which contains nearly four thousand content, has enabled all the steps of Güven Health Group to be collected in a single source. In addition, all work is carried out in a very sensitive and attentive manner without violating the privacy of institutions and individuals.
E-history is not only very important for the history and future of Güven, but also a study that will bring a new dimension to the corporate reputation management of organizations and improve the corporate image positively. The e-history study, pioneered by Güven Health Group, is a reputation study that will be used by all organizations in the future and will be included in their corporate communication strategies. For this reason, Güven will be a source of inspiration for other organizations with its e-history study, just like many other pioneering projects in the sector.