Medical Award Regulations
This regulation is organized to determine various issues and candidacy conditions regarding the content and operation of the Dr. Aysun - Ahmet KÜÇÜKEL Medical Awards.
Article 1
Dr. Aysun - Ahmet KÜÇÜKEL Medicine Awards are organized and given every year by Güven Education and Health Foundation.
Article 2
The award is organized in four categories in the field of medicine: "Best Scientific Research Award", "Young Researcher Project Support Award", "Digital Transformation and Innovative Perspective Award in Health" and "Honor Award". All transactions regarding the awards are carried out by the Güven Health Group Scientific Board. If there is not a sufficient number of applications, an award may be given to only one of these categories by the decision of the Scientific Board.
Article 3
Studies and projects in which the jury members are among the researchers cannot be nominated for the award.
Article 4
The application conditions for the Best Scientific Research Award are as follows:
- Applications for the award can be made with studies conducted in the field of internal, surgical or basic/diagnostic medical sciences that have been published or accepted for publication.
- The study candidate for the award must be clinical or experimental research. Applications in the categories of case reports, reviews, technical notes, etc. are not taken into consideration.
- The language of the work nominated for the award must be Turkish or English.
- Works published within the last year as of the application deadline can be nominated for the award. Studies with older publication dates are not taken into consideration.
- Works that have previously been deemed worthy of an award by a private institution or organization within the country cannot be nominated. Works that are being evaluated for an award by another private institution or organization at the time of application will not be accepted. Poster and oral presentation awards given at congresses, TÜBİTAK incentive awards, awards given by expert associations and public institutions are excluded from this limitation. Candidates declare that they comply with these conditions during the application. If it is determined otherwise, the prize will be deemed invalid and withdrawn even if it has been given.
- Candidates are required to be citizens of the Republic of Türkiye. However, Health Sciences Basic Field employees who have graduated from a Faculty in Türkiye and are working in accordance with the legislation in Türkiye can also apply for the award.
- Applications are made electronically via application page .
- All or most of the works nominated for the award must have been carried out domestically.
- 1/5 of the determined financial reward is given to the researcher whose name is ranked first. The remaining amount is shared equally among all researchers (including the first name).
Article 5
Application conditions for the Young Researcher Project Support Award are as follows:
- The research project must have received ethics committee permission.
- The researcher responsible for the project must not take one day from 41 years at the application deadline.
- Candidates are required to be citizens of the Republic of Türkiye. However, Health Sciences Basic Field employees who have graduated from a Faculty in Turkey and are working in accordance with the legislation in Turkey can also apply for the award.
- Applications are made electronically via application page .
- The detailed work plan and schedule of the project, the total budget of the project, and how and for what purpose the award amount will be spent in the project should be clearly stated.
- The support provided should be disclosed when publishing completed projects, and this should be declared during the application.
- The project must not have applied for or received support from any other private institutions or organizations at the time of application. Support received from public institutions and expert associations is excluded from this limitation.
- The project owner who receives the award must provide information about the development of the project to the Güven Health Group Scientific Board in the form of an annual report at the end of one year, and regular reporting must continue every year as long as the project continues.
- Projects must be completed within 3 years. If additional time is requested for projects that cannot be completed within 3 years, this will be re-evaluated by the Güven Health Group Scientific Board. If these rules are not met, the prize will be cancelled.
- Candidates declare that they comply with these conditions during the application. If it is determined otherwise, the prize will be deemed invalid and withdrawn even if it has been given.
- The award winner cannot make any legal recourse for awards canceled due to non-completion of the project.
Article 6
Application conditions for the Digital Transformation and Innovative Perspective in Health Award are as follows:
- Applications can be made with studies/projects that will eliminate unnecessary workload in the current operation, assist in diagnostic support, include devices focused on the Internet of Things (Medical_IoT), include preventive and predictive algorithms through the relationship of data in different branches and contribute to digital transformation in healthcare with similar approaches.
- Studies/projects that have previously been deemed worthy of an award by a private institution or organization within the country cannot be nominated. Studies/projects that are being evaluated for an award by another private institution or organization at the time of application will not be accepted. Poster and oral presentation awards given at congresses, TÜBİTAK incentive awards, awards given by expert associations and public institutions are excluded from this limitation.
- Başvuru sırasında başka bir özel kurum veya kuruluş tarafından ödül için değerlendirmede olan çalışmalar/projeler kabul edilmez.
- Kongrelerde verilen poster ve sözel bildiri ödülleri, TÜBİTAK teşvik ödülleri, uzmanlık dernekleri ve kamu kurumlarınca verilen ödüller bu sınırlama dışındadır.
- The project owner who receives the award must provide information about the development of the project to the Güven Health Group Scientific Board in the form of an annual report at the end of one year, and regular reporting must continue every year as long as the project continues.
- Projects must be completed within 3 years. If additional time is requested for projects that cannot be completed within 3 years, this will be re-evaluated by the Güven Health Group Scientific Board. If these rules are not met, the prize will be cancelled.
- Candidates declare that they comply with these conditions during the application. If it is determined otherwise, the prize will be deemed invalid and withdrawn even if it has been given.
- The award winner cannot make any legal recourse for awards canceled due to non-completion of the project.
Article 7
Every year, by the Güven Health Group Scientific Board, to a person selected among physicians, who is competent in the field of medicine, has set an example and has inspired to the society, patients and healthcare professionals in terms of medical ethics and practices, has successfully completed their active working life, has contributed to the healthcare practices and development of Güven Hospital in the past is given Honor Award.
Article 8
The awards calendar is organized as follows:
- Every year in January, written announcements and banners regarding the award are sent to Medical Faculties, Training and Research Hospitals, Turkish Medical Association and Specialist Associations.
- Applications are made electronically via application page .
- The application deadline is set as February 21 every year.
- The jury completes its evaluation within two weeks following the application deadline and the results are announced.
- At the following March, the awards are distributed to their owners.
Article 9
Jury formation and evaluation:
- The jury consists of 7 people.
- The jury includes members representing the fields of Internal Medicine, Surgery and Basic/Diagnostic Sciences.
- Jüri Güven Sağlık Grubu Bilim Kurulu tarafından seçilir.
- The jury is selected by the Güven Health Group Scientific Board.
- The jury includes at least one member from the Güven Health Group Scientific Board.
- Members with appropriate qualifications from university hospitals and other institutions and organizations may be invited to the jury.
- Jury members must have at least a number of works published in SCI/SCI-E that meet the university associate professorship application requirements.
- The jury may appoint a rapporteur or referee on matters it deems necessary.
- Even if a rapporteur and referee are appointed, the final decision is made by the jury.
- If there are not enough applications for each category, the applications are evaluated by the Güven Health Group Scientific Board. Candidates with suitable qualifications may be invited from other institutions and organizations if deemed necessary.
- After the jury members complete their evaluations, they are invited to the decision session. During the decision session, each jury member takes the floor and explains their selection, and then voting begins.
- Voting is done openly.
- The decision is written in the final report and signed by all jury members. Members' votes are not disclosed.
- The jury may not find a work worthy of the award.
- The identities of the jury members are not disclosed until the award results are announced.
Article 10
Financial awards and award certificates are distributed to their owners with a ceremony. The result is announced to the public through press and broadcasting tools.
Article 11
All researchers taking part in the study are invited to the ceremony in writing. Award certificates of candidates who cannot attend the ceremony will be sent by mail. Financial awards are deposited into the bank accounts which they declare.
Article 12
The awards and their amounts to be given are determined and announced each year by the Güven Education and Health Foundation Board of Trustees.
Article 13
Güven Education and Health Foundation is free to make changes to the calendar and conditions in this regulation and to give or not give the award. No claims can be made by citing such changes as examples.