World Children's Rights Day Workshop
World Children's Rights Day Workshop

As part of the World Children's Rights Day on November 20, we held a meaningful workshop to draw attention to children's rights and emphasize their unique value. As Güven Education and Health Foundation, we organized this workshop in cooperation with the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Services and Gazi University Faculty of Education Preschool Teaching Department, and provided an environment where our children can freely make their voices heard and share their dreams.
In the workshop, we aimed to raise awareness about children's rights and to lay the foundations of a more just, compassionate and hopeful future by focusing on their needs. In the panels and presentations, experts shared information about the problems children experience and the solutions to these problems. Participatory workshop sessions allowed our children to express their ideas. In addition, practices were carried out to reveal their creativity and imagination through the workshops.
Every idea that emerges and every decision taken in this workshop will serve as a guide for the construction of a better world that our children deserve. Our children are not only the strong architects of today, but also of tomorrow. We have full faith in their dreams, love and power to make the world a better place.
We would like to express our endless gratitude to all our stakeholders, experts, volunteers and everyone who contributed to the realization of this meaningful event. We will continue to work and produce for the future of our children.
Güven Çayyolu Sağlıklı Yaşam Kampüsü Güven Yaşam 18-20 Kasım 2024